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Board Appointments

Board Appointments

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Ottawa County Department of Health & Human Services Board

The Ottawa County Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Board is responsible for overseeing the local administration of all DHHS programs to assure that the social needs of the community are met. The board serves in an advisory capacity and is responsible for reviewing all purchase of service contracts involving programs administered by the local DHHS. Ottawa County DHHS is a member of the Michigan County Social Services Association, and our preference is that our Board Members actively participate with the MCSSA. The Ottawa County DHHS board is comprised of 3 members, 2 of which are appointed by the County Board of Commissioners, and 1 member is State-appointed. Members serve 3-year terms, and meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month in Holland at the Ottawa County DHHS office at 12185 James Street. If you are interested in learning more about the Ottawa County DHHS Board please contact Fiona Wicks at wicksf@michigan.gov, or 616.394.7206.


Sandra Metcalf, Appointed by Governor
Barbara L VanHorssen, County Resident - 12/31/2025
Robert VanderZwaag, County Resident - 12/31/2026

For additional information about the Ottawa County Department of Health & Human Services Board, please contact Kendra Spranjer.