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Board Appointments

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Finance & Administration Committee

Five (5) members shall have original jurisdiction over matters of County business in the areas listed as follows: a. Purchasing - shall serve as the auditing committee over purchasing. b. Financial Control - shall prepare the annual budget, examine County records, make allocations of funds, including personnel costs as recommended by the County Administrator, and recommend to the Board of Commissioners use of all funds allocated. c. Insurance - shall receive reports from the Ottawa County, Michigan Insurance Authority, and act as committee of record for insurance matters.
d. Audit of Claims - shall audit all claims for unpaid bills presented for County payment such as loss of livestock, animal damage, and ambulance charges, etc. e. Auditing - shall audit and investigate bills and present such bills to the Board of Commissioners with recommendations. f. Expense and Mileage - shall audit and approve expense and mileage vouchers of members of the Board of Commissioners. g. Equalization and Apportionment - shall receive reports from the County Equalization Department and make recommendations as to the equalizing of assessment rolls. Shall make recommendations as to the apportionment of County, Township, School, and Special Assessment taxes in the several districts, and shall receive reports from the County Tax Allocation Board and make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners. h. Bonding - shall receive and review all bonding proposals. i. Additional Duties of Finance Committee Chairperson - the Finance Committee Chairperson shall serve on such boards and commissions as state statutes require. j. Law Enforcement - shall receive reports from the Office of Prosecutor, the Sheriff?s Department, and the Animal Control Program, and shall make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners on matters pertaining to law enforcement. k. Courts - shall receive reports from the Circuit Court, Family Court, Probate Court, Juvenile Detention Facility, District Courts and the County Clerk in matters pertaining to court functions. l. Community Corrections Department - shall receive reports from the Community Corrections Department and make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners regarding those functions. m. Contract Review - shall review and receive reports regarding contracts, other than collective bargaining agreements, and make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners concerning relevant contracts. n. County Directory - shall work with the County Clerk to modify, update, revise and assure the distribution of the County Directory. o. Policy Matters - shall develop and draft policies for consideration by the Board of Commissioners for all matters within its jurisdiction. p. Other Matters - such other, similar matters as may be assigned to their jurisdiction by the Chairperson.


Kendra Wenzel, Commissioner (BC)
Gretchen Cosby, Commissioner (BC)
Rebekah Curran, Commissioner (BC)
Joe Moss, Commissioner (BC)
Roger Belknap, Commissioner (BC)

For additional information about the Finance & Administration Committee, please contact Jon Anderson.