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Ottawa County Solid Waste Planning Committee

The Ottawa County Solid Waste Planning Committee is responsible for overseeing changes to the Ottawa County Solid Waste Management Plan. This Committee is required by the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act (Exerpt), Act 451 of 1994 Part 115. It is comprised of 14 members that are appointed by the County Board of Commissioners. Members of this Committee serve 2-year terms and meet as needed at the Ottawa County Fillmore Street complex. If you are interested in learning more about the Ottawa County Solid Waste Planning Committee, please contact Environmental Health at environmentalhealth@miottawa.org, or 616-393-5645.


Dan Broersma, City Government (BC) - 12/31/2024
Jacob Bonnema, County Commissioner (BC)
Benjamin J Jordan, Environmental Interest Group (BC) - 12/31/2024
Kelly Goward, Environmental Interest Group (BC) - 12/31/2024
Becky Huttenga, General Public (BC) - 12/31/2024
Kenneth D Freestone, General Public (BC) - 12/31/2024
William D Crabtree, Industrial Waste Generator (BC) - 12/31/2024
Stewart Whitney, Regional or County Solid Waste Planning Agency (BC) - 12/31/2024
Russ Boersma, Solid Waste Industry (BC) - 12/31/2024
Kari Bliss, Solid Waste Industry (BC) - 12/31/2024
Justin Obermeyer, Solid Waste Industry (BC) - 12/31/2024
Matt Rosser, Solid Waste Industry (BC) - 12/31/2024
Thomas W Oonk, Township Government (BC) - 12/31/2024

For additional information about the Ottawa County Solid Waste Planning Committee, please contact Kimberly Wolters.