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Water Resources Commissioner

Soil Erosion Fees & Forms

New fees as of June 01, 2016

Violation Procedure

  1. Violation will be noted on inspection report and mailed to appropriate parties stating that they will have a maximum of 5 working days to complete necessary repairs. A phone call will also be placed to the appropriate parties notifying them of the problem.
  2. If action has not been taken to correct noted violation in 5 working days, an official Notice of Violation will be issued to the owner and sent certified mail, giving violator 5 calendar days to rectify situation.
  3. If no action is yet taken to correct violation, a citation will be issued to the violator in the appropriate amount for each violation of permit conditions.
  4. As a last resort, if no action is taken after step #3, we will draw on the bond or letter of credit (if available) to correct problem. The issue may be referred to the County Prosecutor for escalated enforcement. In addition, the MDEQ may also be notified of the situation.

Soil Erosion Fee Schedule

At the time of application, the total fee will be required before the actual plan review will commence. Should the project be cancelled prior to a review and site inspection by this office, the fee will be refunded upon written request to the Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Agency.

Fees are as follows: Fees are based on acreage disturbed (acreage shall be rounded up).

Subdivisions or lot developments, Condos, Apartment Complexes, Mobile Home Parks, Commercial, Industrial Developments, Service Facilities, Schools, Parking Lots Churches, including additions or demolitions (permit max of 2 yrs.):

Up to 1 acre $ 200.00
Each additional acre $ 30.00

Cut & Fill Operations (permit max of 2 yrs.):

1st acre $120.00
Each additional acre $30.00

New Single Family Homes/Duplexes (permit max of 1 yr.):

Up to 1 acre $100.00
Each additional acre $10.00

Minor Projects:

Septic systems, single family home demolition, single family home activities up to 750sf; anything over 750 sf falls under the new single family home category:
(permit max of 1 yr.)


Transportation Facilities, Sidewalk, Trails, Utilities, Oil & Mineral Wells: (permit max of 1 yr.):

Up to 1/2 mile $120.00
Each additional mile or fraction there of $45.00

Water Impoundments, Construction or Improvements (permit max of 1 yr.):

Ponds and wetlands up to an acre $120.00
Each additional acre $10.00
Waterway construction or improvement up to ½ mile $120.00
Each additional mile of fraction there $45.00

Sand & Gravel Mining Operations (permit max of 5 yrs.):

1st acre $240.00
Each additional acre $10.00
*Extension (per acre) $10.00

Extension of Permit Fee.  *(other than sand and gravel mining operations):
Ext. max 1 yr. Standard $30.00 per acre for acreage still unstabilized (acreage shall be rounded up)

Permit Waiver Fee, No Permit Necessary Letter: $10.00

Assurance of Compliance Bond: $1,000.00 per acre

A bond will be required prior to the approval of a permit on sites 10 acres or greater in size, in the form of surety bond, certified check or irrevocable bank letter of credit, whichever the applicant selects.  $1,000.00 per acre disturbed. A bond may also be required for any site at the discretion of the enforcing agent.

*Please make checks payable to: OTTAWA COUNTY S.E.S.C.