County Offices will be closed on December 24th & 25th for Christmas. Please visit our service center to see if your need can be fulfilled online.

Water Resources Commissioner

South Macatawa Ridge


Kenneth A. Bosma, P.E.
697 Ottawa Beach Road, Suite 2A
Holland, MI 49424
(616) 394-0200

Meeting Minutes

  • Brief Summary of Orphan Drains

    The proposed Drain is presently considered an “orphan drain”. An orphan drain has no legal mechanism set in place to perform and/or fund maintenance and improvement projects. To assign legal authority to the drain, Holland Charter Township has filed a petition with the Ottawa County Water Resources Commissioner requesting the establishment of the proposed Drain as an official county drain. The petition request is being made in accordance with the Holland Charter Township Storm Water Drains Funding Policy adopted by the Township Board on April 2, 2015. Once established as a county drain, the Water Resources Commissioner becomes the legal authority responsible for the drain in accordance with the Michigan Drain Code (Act 40 of Public Acts of 1956, as amended). The cost to establish the drain as a county drain will be paid by the Township. Costs associated with any maintenance and/or improvement projects on the drain will be assessed to Ottawa County, the Road Commission, Holland Charter Township, the property owners within the district, and other agencies or municipalities within the district based on apportionments determined by the Water Resources Commissioner.