Department of Strategic Impact

Housing Commission

About the Housing Commission

The Ottawa County Housing Commission is charged with working cooperatively with federal, state, and local governments to address the housing needs of the citizens of Ottawa County. The OCHC was reestablished in 2019 to support housing needs throughout the County.

MicroHome Development Concept

The Ottawa County Housing Commission (OCHC) is dedicated to identifying solutions to combat the rising cost of housing in the County. One of these potential solutions is exploring smaller footprint homes, i.e. the MicroHome.

At less than 1,000 sq ft, the MicroHome concept could be a practical and affordable solution to meet the needs of residents. While still in the concept development phase, the OCHC is diligently preparing a detailed strategy to launch a formal MicroHomes Development project in a local community.

Learn More

The OCHC intends to build support from residents, businesses, and other stakeholders to help advocate for more sustainable workforce housing. Your feedback is vital to the progression of this project.

Fill out the linked survey to share your thoughts!

Feedback Survey

(Image concepts from “The Housing Company”)

  • Meet the Committee

    Comprised of five members that are appointed by the County Board of Commissioners, the current Commission includes representatives from realty, construction, and the nonprofit sector. Members of this Commission serve five-year terms,

    Board Member Representing
    Jon Anderson Interim County Administrator
    Ottawa County
    Patrick Harmon Retired (former CEO)
    Holly Cole President of Grants and Programs
    Grand Haven Area Community Foundation
    Jared Schuitema Real Estate Broker
    Bellabay Realty SW LLC
    Klynt Marcusse Owner and Operator
    Marcusse Construction

    Committee Meetings, By-Laws, and Ordinances

    Legal Information

    The Commission is authorized by state statute MCL Section 125.653(3)(d). To learn more about Committee rules and how the Committee is governed, follow the links below:

    The Commission meets monthly or quarterly, as needed at the Ottawa County Fillmore Street complex. To view agendas or past meeting minutes, follow the link below:

Housing Resources

Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers are distributed by Public Housing Agencies (PHAs). To see if you qualify for a housing choice voucher please contact the following below:

Other housing information such as utilities assistance, rapid re-housing, homelessness prevention, and transitional housing can be found at the links below:

Housing Commission Strategic Plan and Metrics Dashboard

Creating Opportunities