Community Action Agency

Walk for Warmth

Higher utility bills impact us all. For those families struggling to make ends meet, some will be forced to make the choice between putting food on the table or heating their homes.

Walk for Warmth, an annual two-mile walk organized by the Ottawa County Community Action Agency, raises money to keep the heat on for financially qualifying families in Ottawa County who have received a utility shut-off notice for gas, electric, water or deliverable fuels like propane. 100% of the funds raised stay in Ottawa County to help your neighbors. The one-time assistance provided by Walk for Warmth funds might be just the help these working families need to settle bills and feel hope for the future.

Last year, Walk for Warmth raised $10,888 in order to assist 224 families with utility payments. Community Action Agency also plugs these residents into programs that increase the energy efficiency of their homes, reducing utility costs in the future.

Funds are raised through pledges, donations and event sponsors. Even if you cannot contribute financially, please join us and walk to raise awareness of the needs in our community.

Walk for Warmth poster designed by Isaac Groth

Poster designed by Isaac Groth

Save the Date!

Friday, March 7th, 2025

EV Construction
86 E. 6th St.
Holland, MI 49423
Donate to W4W Online
Send a tax-deductible contribution to:

Walk For Warmth
Community Action Agency
12251 James Street, Suite 300
Holland, MI, 49424

(616) 393-4433

Want a Walk for Warmth T-Shirt?

If would like to support our Walk for Warmth event by wearing a cool t-shirt, check out our Bonfire page. On Bonfire, OCCAA receives a portion of the proceeds for our Walk for Warmth event. These shirts can take a few weeks to arrive, so if you want to wear it at the event, order as soon as possible! We look forward to seeing you there!
Order Now

2024 Sponsors

Contact us to become a sponsor.

2024 Walking Groups & Special Events

Contact us to learn more about walking groups and learn how your organization can hold a micro-event for Walk for Warmth.